PSUnian stude top 3 of 10 JRMSP Awardees

Mr. John Joseph Zarate, graduating BSEd Biology student at PSU Bayambang was honored the Jose Rizal Model Student of the Philippines (JRMSP) TOP 3 in the course of the 31st search for JRMSP awardees at Rizal Park Hotel last December 30, 2019. The award is given...

PSU ventures IA, accredited Level II

Pangasinan State University was officially acclaimed Institutionally Accredited SUC (Level II) by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP, Inc.) on November 14, 2019. The result was coursed through the University...

Ruby anniversary kicks off with array of activities

Pangasinan State University’s 40th Founding Anniversary kicked off with a vast array of activities relished by the university officials, faculty members and staff headed by Dr. Dexter R. Buted last July 01, 2019. This once-in-a-lifetime celebration of PSU’s epic...

PSU nat’l exams passers honored

To honor Pangasinan State University (PSU) alumni who manifested excellence outside the university premises, PSU conducted its second Recognition Program for the Licensure Examinations and National Certification Passers of March and September 2018 at PSU Lingayen...