Ready, Set, 2021 Planning Conference

A planning conference is held annually to integrate implementations and interventions to the University’s long-term goals. It also aims to assess the progress of each campus through its attained targets and additional platforms. This year, the Office of the Vice...

DOST venerates scholar-graduates and officials of PSU

Pangasinan State University has a fresh shot in the arm. Graduating with honors for academic year 2019-2020, five (5) out of twenty seven (27) scholars of the Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) are from Pangasinan State...

AAHRMEI honors DRB with Leadership Excellence Award

AAHRMEI celebrate its 20th Anniversary via zoom on February 22, 2021 with the theme, “Celebration & thanksgiving for the two decades of unsurpassed leadership excellence,” Dr. Dexter R. Buted, President of Pangasinan State University was honored with the coveted...

PSU checks on status of COPC application

An orientation program regarding Pangasinan State University’s application to the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) was conducted by the Office of the Vice President for Quality Assurance at the Dr. Telesforo Boquiren Convention Hall on January 7.Said meeting...